Six Writers. Six Worlds. Six Unique Stories.
Precipice Fiction is a small publishing house based in Sydney, Australia, specializing in works of horror, science fiction, and fantasy. Our team handles all writing, editing, marketing, and distribution in-house, in order to create unique stories we are passionate about.

The New Mythic
Discover The New Mythic, debut anthology from Precipice Fiction and finalist in two categories of the 2022 Aurealis Awards.

Audiobook Available
Check out the audio version of The New Mythic, performed by a dedicated team of talented voice actors.
Prose & Cons
What is storytelling if not a communal activity?
Forming out of an online writing group during the 2020 - 2022 lockdown, Precipice Fiction always recognised and appreciated the importance of community.
In our podcast Prose & Cons we discuss writing, literature, modern media, our own personal journey's, various challenges and struggles, our experience with self-publishing and the writing industry. We encourage our listeners to reach out, get in touch and help build a larger community of writers and artists to share with and learn from...
...because sometimes we all feel like pros

Put in your earphones and enjoy more writing goodness with our podcast
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